Airlines airports management


  • Total duration 2 months
  • Language: English, French, Russian, Arabic
  • Classroom session
  • Online 
  • Self-study distance learning
  • Entry requirements: – 12 years of schooling and above preferred (A level, 0 Level)

The course focuses on the business knowledge needed for success in the aviation industries, emphasizing general management, strategic planning, analysis and comprehensive understanding of all aspects of airlines and airports operations. 

The course is open to professionals who are interested in the field aviation. Designed for junior level managers currently working in the aviation industry or professionals entering the industry and seeking a managerial role. 

The course aims to equip participants with a comprehensive in-depth knowledge of the global market of the aviation industry both national and international levels.  

During the course participants learn the regulations, rules mechanisms and the characteristics of general management and aviation businesses in particular for airports and airlines. 

 Course content 

 Airlines and airports management basics: Emerging trends in airlines and airports operations

Aircraft manufacturers, commercial aircraft manufacturing industry trends and characteristics. Aircraft Manufacturing Giants

Major airlines and types of carriers: Comparison between Low Cost and Full-Service Carriers: Airline revenues. Types of Carriers. Airlines organizational structures Airlines route planning Airlines (lease) leasing, sales leaseback operations

Airline operation: Passengers vs.cargo

Airline cargo business management:  Aircraft capacity and compatibility with cargo

Strategies of airlines on cargo: Classification various types of strategies in cargo industry

Aviation suppliers and MRO’s (maintenance and repair organizations) for line and base maintenance in terms of airline operations Types of Airports: International hubs, national hubs, cargo airports

Types of Airport Hangars: Based on aircraft servicing and hangar management

Categories of Airports: Primary, non-primary airport difference and characteristics 

Airport operations and organizational structure. Airport planning and commercial development Airport categorization: A, B, C airports based on airside operational features Airport terminals and major planograms

Airport funding and income resources: Pricing of airport services and facilities

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